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Dec 26 - 28: Morelia, Mexico

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Morelia is one of the most picturesque cities I've seen in Mexico...great architecture and great restaurants. There is a magnificent church downtown, wonderful buildings and an ancient aqueduct that leads to a plaza where lovers meet at night around a beautiful fountain. Morelia is also a great central point for some day trips to Patzcuaro, Janitzio and Parangaricutirimicuaro...say that three times fast and win a free Margarita! A great place to stay in Morelia is Casa en el Campo, which is a very relaxing, harmonious boutique hotel and spa that symbolizes the typical modern Mexican architecture and is just ten minutes from downtown Morelia. Every room is unique, the grounds are very well manicured, the staff is extremely friendly and the on-premises restaurant serves typical Michoacan food that is fantastic. [View Photos]

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